Information about

General Practioners

Information about

General Practioners

Information about

General Practioners

Quick Facts


Hospitalisation due to

medication misadventures


Total hospitalisation due to

medication misadventures


Can be avoided by optimising

medication management


Per MBS-900 claim

Quick Facts


Hospitalisation due to

medication misadventures


Total hospitalisation due to

medication misadventures


Can be avoided by optimising

medication management


Per MBS-900 claim

Quick Facts


Hospitalisation due to

medication misadventures


Total hospitalisation due to

medication misadventures


Can be avoided by optimising

medication management


Per MBS-900 claim

The Medicosurveillance Advantage

Optimising medication management by partnering with doctors/pharmacists

As accredited consultant pharmacists, we work harmoniously with GPs to verify the appropriateness of medicine prescriptions and ensure proper usage. Our flexible at-home or in-facility services provide potentially life-saving guidance and information that prevents medical-related complications before they occur.

By sending your HMR referrals to Medicosurveillance, you could potentially save their life. Each year, 250,000 patients are admitted to hospitals from adverse medical events. That’s 6% of all hospitalisations nationwide.

By incorrectly combining prescription or non-prescription medications, forgetting to take their medicine, or double dosing, patients can quickly put themselves in danger.

That’s why at Medicosurveillance, our team of accredited consultant pharmacists review not only your patients’ prescriptions, but also their understanding of how and when to take medications. As a result, we provide you with tailored recommendations to better serve patients.

Claimed under MBS-900 Item, each HMR is billed at $159.65AUD once the patient is recalled by GP to review the report. Additionally, each accredited pharmacist are restricted to 30 referrals each month to ensure maximum quality for patients.

Patient Eligibility


Are your patients taking more than 5 medications (including non-prescription)?

Are your patients taking more than 5 medications (including non-prescription)?

Adverse drug reactions.

Are your patients experiencing unwanted or severe side effects from their medicine?

Are your patients experiencing unwanted or severe side effects from their medicine?

Multiple prescribers

Are your patients seeing more than one doctor?

Are your patients seeing more than one doctor?

Recent discharge

Are your patients recently discharged from the hospital?

Are your patients recently discharged from the hospital?


Are your patients concerned about how to properly take their medicine?

Are your patients concerned about how to properly take their medicine?

Signs of undertreatment

Are your patients still seeing symptoms even after taking medicine?

Are your patients still seeing symptoms even after taking medicine?

Recent changes

Are your patients confused after a recent change to their medication regime?

Are your patients confused after a recent change to their medication regime?

Chronic conditions

Are your patients suffering from a chronic illness e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma or any other medical conditions?

Are your patients suffering from a chronic illness e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma or any other medical conditions?

Did you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions above? If so, please get in touch with us to organise a Home Medicines Review for your patient.

Did you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions above? If so, please get in touch with us to organise a Home Medicines Review for your patient.

HMR Referrals

9 Days

On Average

Our timeline depends on how soon we receive the patient referral letter and our patient’s availability. While our review may take up to one week to complete, our patient visit will take one day. Upon completion of the review, we will consolidate our recommendations and findings that will be sent to the clinic promptly.

HMR Referral Information

HMR Referral Information

We accept referrals via both email and fax. To get started, click below.