What Is a

Home Medicines Review?

What Is a

Home Medicines Review?

What Is a

Home Medicines Review?

What is a Home Medicines Review?

What is a Home Medicines Review?

Do you take any medications, vitamins, supplements,

herbal remedies or other medicines prescribed over the counter?

Did you know that even certain doses of vitamins and certain combinations may be harmful to you?

Did you ever ask yourself how they work together? Are there any combinations that are harmful? Is one drug able to enhance another that can lead to unwanted side-effects? Or in some cases, is one drug able to weaken another and thereby, reduce its effectiveness?

Each year, 230,000 patients are admitted to hospitals from adverse medical events. That’s 6% of all hospitalisations nationwide. At least 50% of these could have been avoided through better medication management.

Each year, 230,000 patients are admitted to hospitals from adverse medical events. That’s 6% of all hospitalisations nationwide. At least 50% of these could have been avoided through better medication management.

The Home Medicines Review was introduced in 2001 into the Australian Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). In 2020, it was then later extended to include two-follow-up services for patients who have had an initial home medicines review conducted by an accredited pharmacist.

The HMR program intends to support the quality use of medicines by finding and addressing medication-related problems that can potentially affect a patient’s quality of life and even lead to hospitalisations.

By providing home medicines review, an accredited pharmacist can help people better understand and manage their medicines which, can minimise unwanted adverse medicine events, and improve their quality of life.

The Home Medicines Review will assist you in learning about medicines and how they function. You will become an active participant in the decisions that support your healthcare plan created by your GP and pharmacist.

Don’t risk a ride to the hospital that should have been prevented. To help you control your healthcare, stop dosing in the dark and let Medicosurveillance organise a Home Medicines Review for you!

Am I Eligible?

Step 1: Eligible Patients and Doctor Referral

Before your HMR

The pharmacist will review a referral letter from your doctor. This letter contains information about your conditions, prescriptions, and other important considerations.

Step 2: Home Visit


The pharmacist sets up a convenient time to meet with you. During the meeting, they will answer any questions you may have while guiding how and when to take your prescriptions.

Step 3: Create Care Plan

After your meeting

The pharmacist will follow-up with your doctor, providing prescription recommendations that ensure the best possible outcome for your wellbeing.

Medicosurveillance Cycle of Care

Medicosurveillance Cycle of Care

We start by reviewing your medical history.

Next, we meet with you to understand your unique situation while answering any questions you may have. We then provide your doctor with notes from our meeting, ensuring that you have the best care and prescription plan possible.

Lastly, we provide two-follow-up services to ensure there is continuity of care provided to our patients.

At Medicosurveillance, our team works with general practitioners and patients to provide dedicated Home Medicines Reviews (HMRs), Residential Medication Management Reviews (RMMRs), and Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) services that improve medical outcomes.

We start by reviewing your medical history.

Next, we meet with you to understand your unique situation while answering any questions you may have. We then provide your doctor with notes from our meeting, ensuring that you have the best care and prescription plan possible.

Lastly, we provide two-follow-up services to ensure there is continuity of care provided to our patients.

At Medicosurveillance, our team works with general practitioners and patients to provide dedicated Home Medicines Reviews (HMRs), Residential Medication Management Reviews (RMMRs), and Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) services that improve medical outcomes.

We start by reviewing your medical history.

Next, we meet with you to understand your unique situation while answering any questions you may have. We then provide your doctor with notes from our meeting, ensuring that you have the best care and prescription plan possible.

Lastly, we provide two-follow-up services to ensure there is continuity of care provided to our patients.

At Medicosurveillance, our team works with general practitioners and patients to provide dedicated Home Medicines Reviews (HMRs), Residential Medication Management Reviews (RMMRs), and Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) services that improve medical outcomes.

Benefits of a Home Medicines Review?

Benefits of a Home Medicines Review?

Although there are countless benefits to a HMR, patient safety always comes first.

Here are a few of the benefits

Side-Effect Mitigation

Evaluating potential side effects to determine if a different medication may be better.

Medicine Review

Ensuring the safety of your medications when combined with other prescription or non-prescription medications.

Medicine Training

Guiding you through exactly how to take each medication.

Organization Strategies

Showing you how to organise your medications, helping you avoid confusion and take them at the right time.

Medicine Storage

Verifying that you are storing your medications in the correct temperatures and conditions.

Question Resolution

Answering any questions or concerns.

How to Get Started

To get started with your HMR, first, verify your eligibility by visiting our eligible patient page.


speak with your doctor to ask for a referral. From there, the doctor will securely provide Medicosurveillance with information about your medical history.

speak with your doctor to ask for a referral. From there, the doctor will securely provide Medicosurveillance with information about your medical history.


we will reach out to you and set up a time to meet in the comfort of your home.

After the meeting, we will recap with your doctor and develop a new

plan that better meets your treatment needs.

we will reach out to you and set up a time to meet in the comfort of your home.

After the meeting, we will recap with your doctor and develop a new

plan that better meets your treatment needs.